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Gold Residential Project


Broaden your horizons through involvement with others in a residential setting. (Gold Level Only)

The Residential Project gives participants a shared purposeful experience with people who are not their usual companions, but working towards a common goal. It is an experience that broadens the participant's outlook and horizons. Persons involved are also away from their usual place of residence, often in an unfamiliar environment.

Participants gain a sense of personal achievement, enhanced social connections with new people, develop new skills and hopefully, have a life-changing experience!


Examples of Residential Projects:

  • Residential language courses

  • Youth camp overseas

  • Voluntary work with service organizations

  • Crew member on a tall ship

  • Work for an international charity

  • Construction projects

  • Restoration projects

Contact the Award Office for more examples of Residential Projects (and the specific requirements)

Time Requirements

  • Participants should reside away from their normal place of residence for at least four nights and five consecutive days.

  • In exceptional circumstances, the commitment may be spread over two separate occasions. In these situations, the same activity must be pursued over both occasions and must total 5 days of activity, and take place in the same 12 month period.


  • The choice of Assessor is dependent on the nature of the Gold Residential Project. At a minimum, the Assessor must have the ability to observe the Participant at intervals throughout the Gold Residential Project. In most circumstances an Assessor should not be an immediate family member.

  • At a minimum, a Participant may satisfy the requirements of the Gold Residential Project Section if the Assessor is convinced that:

    • The Participant’s commitment was substantially in their own time outside of school, university or work hours.

    • The Participant has demonstrated commitment with respect to:

      • their personal standards

      • relationships with others

      • responsibility accepted and developed

      • initiative and general progress during the residential period.

    • Minimum time requirement has been met.
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