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Award Young People Marching in Independence Day Parade

Parade theme “We Barbados” calls for more youth involvement and highlights the bid for leadership skills in Bajan youth

BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS – This year’s Independence Day Parade will see more than 60 Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Barbados participants marching from Kensington Oval for the 52nd anniversary of independence. The Award participants will be part of the units representing the Barbados Cadet Corps, Barbados Boys Scouts Association and The Girl Guides Association of Barbados. Officials with the Independence Day celebrations have called for more youth involvement and a need for leadership skills amongst Bajan youth in order to be successful in the future. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award participants are focused on developing these skills and more in order to become #WORLDREADY and the leaders of tomorrow.

Master Chief Petty Officer Isaiah Clarke, an Award participant since 2014 and Bronze and Silver Award recipient, says:

"This year I will be a member of the armed units on parade; I believe participating in national events is meaningful because it shows the people who fought for our independence a great amount of gratitude and it shows how Bajan youth have pride in their country. To me "World Ready" means that we are properly equipped and prepared to enter the world and conquer our goals. As an Award participant I believe that I can contribute to the country's future by inspiring and encouraging pubescent individuals to enlist in one of the many youth organizations in Barbados. It is evident that organizations such as the Barbados Cadet Corps, Barbados Girls Guide Association, Barbados Boy Scout Association, The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and many other organizations have produced some of the finest and most prominent members of society."

The theme for the 2018 parade, “We Barbados” comes on the heels of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation’s worldwide surveys[1] that found two-thirds of young people surveyed globally believe traditional education is no longer enough to prepare them for the world – calling for the type of experience that is developed outside of classroom learning. Seventy-five per cent of Bajan youth surveyed believe non-formal education, skills such as resilience, leadership and teamwork are key components for their future success. The survey marks the start of the international #WORLDREADY campaign showcasing the inspirational activities of young Award participants all over the world.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Barbados Operations Manager, Carla Alleyne says:

“More than 1.3 million young people are currently volunteering their time to support their communities around the world, through The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. The young people we meet here in Barbados are passionate, value-driven and they genuinely want to make a positive difference in the world. This Independence Day we’re proud of how many Award participants are not only involved in the Independence Day parade but also in their communities. The learning experience outside traditional classroom education is giving Bajan youth the opportunity to feel valued and explore their full potential."

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the leading global, non-formal education framework which challenges 14-24 year olds to develop new skills, get physically active, learn about teamwork and leadership through adventurous journey and volunteering within their community. In Barbados the Award has been running for 55 years. It currently sees more than 300, 14-24 year olds participate every year. It is available at 14 of the islands’ private and public secondary schools. Additionally, it is offered through the Barbados Cadet Corps, The Girl Guides Association of Barbados and Barbados Boy Scouts Association. Remarkable young people such as Isaiah Clarke are available for interview to highlight the bright future of Barbados this Independence Day.

[1] Survey of 7,681 13-25 year olds across year olds from countries & territories including Bangladesh, Kenya, Ghana & India. In conjunction with U-Report. September 2018. Survey of 3,487 16-25 year olds and 1,825 adults (25+), July – September 2018. In partnership with The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award family around the world.

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